Rock Climbing, Bouldering and Abseiling Resources

What is Southern Sandstone?

The rocks in the South East are known as Southern Sandstone and are not found anywhere else in the UK.  Sandstone is an extremely soft rock and therefore needs to be looked after by climbers to ensure that it lasts for generations to come. We run specific a Sandstone Ropework course designed minimise the impact by climbers setting up 'bottom' ropes and learn the safest climbing techniques.

What are the Climbing Instructor Qualifications in the UK?

MIC (Mountain Instructor Certificate) allows climbing  instructors to teach all forms of climbing and mountaineering in summer and winter conditions within the UK.

MIA (Mountain Instructor Award) for climbing instructors working in summer conditions and covers multi-pitch rock climbing, scrambling and other mountaineering skills.
RCI (Rock Climbing Instructor) - Outdoor climbing instructors who are in a position of responsibility covering single pitch rock climbing and abseiling activities in all parts of the UK and indoor climbing walls.
SSLA (Southern Sandstone Leaders Award) - Climbing instructors working on the Sandstone Outcrops of the Weald of Sussex and Kent, including such venues as Harrison’s, Bowles, Stone Farm, High Rocks etc.
CWI (Climbing Wall Instructor) - Indoor climbing wall instructors who are in a position of responsibility when supervising climbing activities on indoor or outdoor climbing walls, artificial boulders and towers.


BMC - British Mountaineering Council
Climbing and mountaineering governing body.

BMC - Regional Access Database
The BMC’s database for access to UK climbing crags.

BMC - Climb Outside Booklet
A really useful booklet produced by the BMC on climbing outside.

MTA - Moutain Training Association
Climbing and mountaineering instructors association.

UK Climbing
For all things climbing in the UK.

Southern Sandstone Code of Practice
The BMC Southern Sandstone Code of Practice and 10 Commandments.

Eridge Rocks - Climbing Booklet
Information on climbing at Eridge Rocks and the Sussex Wildlife Trust.

Bolt Products
Great resource for bolters out there.